Exciting announcement from Inspyr

Effective November 15, 2024, Inspyr is very pleased to announce that it has acquired the business assets of Team Excellence, Inc. (TEI). These proprietary assets include PSI (Personal Strengths Inventory) and the Team Covenant™. Inspyr has been an avid client and active champion of TEI’s award-winning Team Covenant philosophy and organizational approach for the past […]
Attraction and Retention Through Culture and Coaching

Organisations need to be proactive in attraction and retention strategies. A values-enacted intentional workplace culture can tap into the motivations of potential employees to identify a ‘values fit.’ This approach to culture also builds relational transparency and trust which strengthens engagement and commitment. Supporting this with ongoing and employee-centric coaching across an organisation provides a […]
An award-winning system

I just spoke at a corporate meeting this week hosted by a client for its clients – their annual user’s conference. It was held at one of Hyatt’s best–nice conducive digs for considering new ideas. The audience was pretty much split right down the middle with Boomers and Millennials. It was a perfect opportunity to […]
Do your employees trust you? If not, does it really matter?

How important is trust between managers and employees and what are the bottom-line implications to your business? According to SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), employee engagement ranks highest on the list of concerns by HR leaders. Added to this, a recent Gallup Survey determined that disengaged employees cost the U.S. Economy between $450 billion […]